Role Clarity & One-On-Ones

Providing role clarity and accountability by ensuring all roles have job
descriptions and all leaders are holding regularly and meaningful 1:1s
with their team members.

Role clarity is linked to organisational effectiveness and increased pro-
ductivity and reduced internal conflict and misunderstandings.


• Review and/or creation of job descriptions for all roles
• Consistent Manager Accountabilities developed
• Development of 1:1 guide and template tailored to your business
• Training for managers on having effective One on Ones.


Clarity of Expectations: Having job descriptions that clearly outline re-
sponsibilities of each position within the organisation provides clarity

and reduces ambiguity and potentially misunderstandings.

Performance Management: Job descriptions provide a benchmark for

evaluating employee performance and enables managers to hold em-
ployees to account.

Feedback & Recognition: Regular One on Ones allow for managers and
employees to have regular two way feedback and supports continuous

Alignment & Goal Setting: One on Ones allow managers and employees
to align on priorities, goals, and expectations.

$5000 + GST FOR UP TO 30 STAFF